Anne Arundel Community College is committed to ensuring that the college’s Athletics Department and all of its constituents, including staff, coaches, and student athletes, display, support, and comply with the principles of integrity, equity, inclusion, and with all applicable laws.
In support of the aforementioned principles and state law (Education Article §11–1601) the college shall establish and maintain a process through which students can share concerns regarding athletic programs and activities with the college administration, including senior officials who are not directly involved in the management or supervision of athletic programs or activities. This process shall provide students with the opportunity to submit their concerns confidentially and without fear of discrimination or retaliation, both of which are prohibited.
This policy shall be posted on the college’s website, with a copy provided to each student who participates in any athletic program or activity. On or before July 1, 2020, and each July 1 thereafter the college shall report to the Maryland Higher Education Commission the number of students who shared concerns under this policy during the immediate preceding fiscal year.
The Board of Trustees hereby authorizes the president, or his/her designee, to develop and establish appropriate procedures to implement and enforce this policy and to maintain and keep current information required to be reported annually to the Maryland Higher Education Commission.
Policy Title: Policy on Student Concerns with College Athletic Programs and Activities
Policy Category: Student Affairs
Policy Owner: Vice President for Learner Support Services
Policy Administrator: Dean, Student Development
Contact Information: Deneen Dangerfield;; 410-777-2830
Approval Date: September 10, 2019
Effective Date: October 1, 2019
History: N/A
Applies to: All students
Related Policies: N/A
Related Procedures: N/A
Forms/Guidelines: Student Athlete Complaint Form
Relevant Laws: N/A